On Tuesday, I went 4 d bola jaring competition at someplace near panglima perang...
On Tuesday, I went 4 d bola jaring competition at someplace near panglima perang...
Haha... I was feeling excited n nauseated (as usual)... But I was pumped out n ready to go...
Our 1st match was against Sri Damai (I think)... Well, we were doing quite well... We won, I think it was 11-1... After dat match, we were sweating like mad... But unfortunately, we had to wait for another 1 n half hours b4 our 2nd match...
Our 1st match was against Sri Damai (I think)... Well, we were doing quite well... We won, I think it was 11-1... After dat match, we were sweating like mad... But unfortunately, we had to wait for another 1 n half hours b4 our 2nd match...
Fact no. 1: After sweating out, do NOT immediately rest and let ur sweat dry... Dat was our 1st mistake... After dat, we weren't in d mood to continue... Plus we were extremely tired...
Fact no. 2: Put SUNBLOCK!!! another stupid mistake I made... D sun was scorching us alive... I think if I stayed a little longer there, I can eat myself... D concequences of dis mistake is SUNBURN.. which will result to dark skin... Ishh.... Burned jelly.. YUCK~
Next match was against Seri Mahkota... They were better den d 1st 1... But fortunately we won... 7-4 I guess... By dat time we were completely worn out... All of us were tired and after having our lunch, we just hope we can slp.... Haha... Like pigs... Eat till full dy den wanna slp...
The 3rd match was 1 n half hours away... We entertained ourselves by listening to songs n slping on other ppl's bag... boring~ When it was time 4 our 3rd match, half of us were already in slumberland... I secretly hope dat we dun need to compete anymore... The adreline rush really can wipe u out.....
Under such exhausting circumstances it was not hard 4 us to lose... SPBSI beat us to 7-4 I think... damn... really frustrating... So we had to go on Wednesday 4 another match...
2day went for another match, teacher said if we lost dis match, we are disqualified... no pressure... So guess wat... We LOST!!! All thanks to d stupid referee hu only sees our team foul... We were like getiing fouls 4 times in a row... idot... Watever... we lost. I'll just have to deal with this fact and a few new bruises... All thx to dat GA...
Gud thing no.1: I get to skip skool....
Gud thing no. 2: I get to read Harry Potter n the deathly hallows....
Bad thing no.1: I canot catch up an my studies anymore...
Bad thing no. 2: I'm black n burned...
Bad Thing no. 3: My test is seriously near...
Conclusion: I'm screwed...................................................................................................................