Da durian season is HERE!!!
Actually it has been here for quite a long time...
I ate a lot of durian this time..
Personally, I dun really like durian.
I neither hate nor like them.. Actually I dun like durian, no offense to durian lovers out there...
Usually during this seasin, I will stand a side while my dad mercilessly disect the durian and watch my mum and sister smile with glee looking at the yellow awful smelling goo within...
While they munch away happily, sucking the seed, I will always watch and put on my best digusted look when they offer me a durian... I kinda perfected that sour-looking expression over these long anti-durian years....
But this time, it is totally different. I'm not staying at home now, and when durian season came, I was actually looking forward to eating that awful-smelling-yucky-looking fruit...
I must use the word CRAVING to eat durians.... This is definitely rare....
And I ate a lot for my anti-durian standard.. Maybe it seemed like a poor-tiny-weeny looking portion to all durian lovers... Anyway, I feel in love with DURIAN!!!
Add me in the smelly durian history people!!!
But I can't eat too much, it's soo heaty, and b4 I noe it.. TAA-DAA!!! A newborn ulcer on my fat lips... =.="
Futhermore too much durian eating can just lead too other 'diseases' such as:
obese, overweight, fat = me
more spare tires to cum = on my car body
more new ulcers = on my lips
sister in coma = smelly fart
frens in coma = bad breath
Ppl chasing me with pitchforks = Many ppl in coma
So, as u can see, the odds are not good if Jane eats too much durian... She may unknowingly kill people as she happily sucks on a durian seed... So people, please say no to Jane & Durian!!!
Seriously, I need to control myself!!!
Well, if I dun have durian, I still got rambutans~
But now I prefer durians!!!
So, buy insurance people!!
I will not hold responsibility to anything that is going to happen!! ^^