The day before yesterday, I decided to visit my previous school... It was a last minute idea N I didn have anything to wear... ( My black skool shoes were in Kuantan)... Anyway, my fren told me to wear PJ shirt n pants.... So I followed her idea...
The next morning, I followed my sister to skool, we took the skool bus... It's been quite a long time since I ride dat skool bus... N I still hated every moment of it... The driver doesn't bother about the comfort of his passengers... The bus which had a maximum capasity of 45 people had at least 60 or 70 people!!! N there was this unpleasent smell, perfume smell (which stank), bubblegum smell n sweat smell... Gross!!!
When we reached skool, I was quite nervous and did not had the slightest idea where to go.... Luckily I found some of my good frens nearby the entrance... They were Zhi Shien, Joanne, Yi Lian n See Xian (I have to list them all out to prove I still remember them)... The 1st person hu saw me was Yi Lian... She gasped and said "Jane Li!"... I was like "duh~ hu else?"... I didn think I had change so much.. had I?? They were saying that I was so thin now ( really??)... N we talked n laughed for a while... Then I asked them where were the others.. They led me to the hall in the new block... I almost fainted... It was full of form 3 students... And then I thought of Air Putih which had the opposite amount... Haha... I greeted some of them and luckily they still rememberd me... And Wai Nee was looking at me like she saw a ghost... (She was gaping at me with her mouth open!!).. Of cuz, I said hello to her n saw Jia Sin sitting all by herself... So I went to talk to her 4 a while... She seemed surprise to see me... But then hu would not?? They hadn't saw me for 10 months... And I missed them all... Every single one of them...
Next, I went to find my form 2 form teacher, Pn. Susi... And she said "Jane Li!!" (what else could they say??) "Kamu sudah tinggi lagi!" (Oh no...) haha... at least she still knew hu I was... Then I decided to go to the library... When I opened the library door... Everyone looked at me and shouted "Jane Li!!!" (again) hahaha.... I was sooo glad to see them... All of them was starting to ask questions at the same time... And I was soo blur.... All I got to do was to stand there and looked stupid... After dat, I offered to help them tugas in the library... But, there was nobody in the library except us... And we were like talking, laughing and shouting... Luckily the teacher didn came in or we would get into trouble... hehe... Then me amd my frens Siaw Wei, Shi Teng n Wee Nee decided to eat luch outside the skool... Wee Nee had some family problem n it was quite serious cuz she was crying while she told us... And she used up 10 helai tissue... I didn noe wat to do except comfort her n lend her some more tissue...(Poor thing...)
After we had our lunch, we went back to the library... N they were quite busy preparing 4 the malam PPS (which I canot go, unfortunately...) Well, they did ask me to go... haha... I can't...
So, what we did in the library the whole day included this:
taking photos: 40 minutes... (they are crazy...)
singing: duno... (I didn sing)
talking:98%... (haha... when there's Boon Kee, nothing is imposibble!!)
laughing: All the time....
And I got to tugas at the counter, which is my favourite place to tugas... I duno y I like the counter sooo much.. (haha...) And my frens were squatting behind the counter taking fotos and videos... It was crazy... And we were laughing sooo loud, the students in the library had asked us to keep quiet... HAHA... How ironic... Students asking the librarians to keep quiet in the library...
Everyting was so nice and fun... We were in the library until 5pm... half an hpur b4 we left, we took some more pictures (again)... N some of them were really really syok sendiri (especially Boon Kee..) We took picture behind the book racks, infront the book racks, even outside the library... haha... They really like taking photos...
And during my trip home, I sat with Siaw Wei in the bus, and being her ususl self (sampat..) She had many gossips for me... haha... So we talked n talked n talked in the bus... I didn realize how much I missed her... until now... She always had the ability to make me laugh no matter what... and I kinda miss someone who knows me for hu I am... Well, things had to move on.. At least I got a chance to meet up wif her...
So, I would like to make a list of frens whom i met yesterday... So that I will not 4get...
Yi Lain, Zhi Shien, Joanne, See Xian, Pei San, Shi Ling, Guat Sin, Michelle, Wen Dee, Sih Yoong, Jing Wen, Hui Ting, Wai Nee, Jia Sin, Shi Ling, Jia Teng, Boon Kee, Siaw Wei, Wei Xin, Yee Peng, Shi Teng, Edwin, Wee Nee, Pieng Seong, Su Yan, Pei Boon, Gracia n Chia Boon.
And to those hu I didn write down, I'm sorry, It's not I've 4got u all... It's juz of my stupid short term memory... I've been thinking very hard, and this is all I remember... Sorry...
I would like to thank ALL my frens for making my trip back so wonderful and unforgettable... N those hu still remembered me, thanks too.... Thank u guys sooo sooo much... I'll never ever 4get u guys!!! Cheers to ALL MY FRENS!!!!!!!! ^^