Friday was my b'day...
The whole class celebrated wif me...
Haha... I'm so touched... They bought me a cake...
And we used sivik period to celebrate... haha...
Thank you everyone 4 making my day so special... I love averyone of u... 4C Is the BEST!! ^^
Jia Ling got her wish... This is definitely the most unforgetable day of my life... I thank everyone who has made it real....
Actually I haven't exactly finished my wish, cuz many ppl looked too eager to eat d cake...
So... here is my complete wish:
I wish dat 4C will always remain active (even hyper) and full of life... All 4C members will help each other no matter wat... Will love each other like family... Becuz we have the best if we have each other... And lastly.... I LOVE U, WHACKY PPL OF 4C!!!!!
I want to thank everyone hu wished me happy b'day...
I got a list: Liew Chien (very punctual), Jia Ling, Sharine, Lui Jieng, Ming Wei, Mei Yan, Celine, Wei Wah, Yew Jin, everyone in 4c, Boon Ying, Jing Jing, Stella, Bobo, Emay... N a few more I seriously can't remeber... Thanks guys!!! ^^
I'm sorry if I 4got ur b'days.... I wish u all now... HAPPY B'DAY EVERYONE!!!
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