Jus came bac from the youth outing in Bentong...
Dun noe how to describe it... It was kinda like a terrible-fun-scary-memoriable experience....
There were a lot of activities... The 1st one was rafting.. The guide gave us 8 long bamboos n 3 short bamboos n a few big plastic tumblers... We were supposed to build our own raft with dat stuff... Haha... It was definitely hard work, none of us in our team has ever built a raft b4... But finally we finished it... A frgile looking object called -the raft... With a lot of help from the guide...
We had to test it in the waters... I sat in the middle and couldn't stop screaming bcuz I thought it was going to overturn... But luckily it was quite stable n we sorta drifted around. haha...
The next activity was on the 2nd day... Which was the obstacle course... It was tough n used every muscle in my fat body... It was very high above the ground too, n I was absolutely terrified... But I forced my self to finish every obstacle bcuz I needed to overcome my fear of heghts... Every time I was high up, my kaki turned in jelly n was utterly useless... But with much screaming n shouting, I finished everthing!!! Yay!!! The last obstacle course was quite lame n stupid, we had to crawl, I repeat-CRAWL... under a very low BARBED wire on MUD WATER which level was quite high... Yuck!!! All of the guys wanted to be macho n everone crawled over... But the girls was pettrified juz looking at the colour of the water... haha... Bro Ho started scolding everyone hu didn wanted to go over... Not many ppl were encouraged... I was hesitant cuz I didn have any baju to wear anymore... Anyway, wat the heck, I crawled over... It was as disgusting as it looked... My baju n trackbottom was all muddy n smelly... yyyeeee.... But nothing a freezing cold bath can't take care of... Dat bath was really well earned...
In the evening was the flying fox... WEEEEE!!!!! juz 1 word-SYOK!!! But b4 we could reach the flying fox station, we needed to cross a very long n very high jambatan gantung... The terror was inmaginable. (I'm afraid of heights)... I dare not look down the whole time...I was busy trying not to die... When I reached the middle of the jambatan, suddenly wind started blowing... AAAAAA!!!! All of us screamed... It was SCARY!!! dun play play, we had to balance ourselves on onli 3 lines... My lags were shaking so bad, it's a miracle I'm still alive... Finally we reached d station. We had to put on safety jacket n a VERY smelly helmet... D smell was disgusting n made me wanna puke... Me n my sis were the first of the first batch to play the flying fox... After straping ourself on, we were asked to walk down to steps... which dissapeared n left a cliff... After walking down until we can go no further without starting to slide, I was very nervous n didn noe wat to do... Den things happened very quickly,
no. 1: My body was starting to slide 4ward.
no. 2: My feet were no longer touching the ground.
no. 2: My feet were no longer touching the ground.
no. 3: Both of us were screaming... AAAAAAAAAAAA................................
Hahahaha.... 1 word again -SYOK!!!!
Well, the last activity was the night walk which sounded really spooky... If u thik dat it was jus like a stroll in the park in the dark, u r dead wrong...
We had to CLIMB up steep n slippery slops, b4 going down many tebing curam... N we had to be careful not to kill ourselves if we tripped the uncountable akar pokok dat were jutting out... N the guide warned us not to say words like hantu, harimau, n he said dat n matter wat happens or wat we see, juz keep going~ Every group had only a candle... N we cannot on our torch lights until we were told to... At 1st it was ok, cuz the path was quite easy, den after a while, it bcame ver steep n dark... N I thought I heard someone crying... I hope I heard wrong.......... We had to walk n climb quite fast to keep up... N it was REALLY dangerous... I'm not kidding... The path was so steep (bout 80 degrees), we had to hold to the ropes to get down... N the floor was muddy n slippery... After walking, climbing, sliding, slipping n tripping for 2 hours, we finaly made it out alive... whew... It was definitely a special experience, but I wouldn't go the 2nd time... NO!!!!
Well, the outing was full of mixed fillings, (mainly bcuz I was afraid of heights) but it was quite fun n not bad... I would definitely encourage u guys to go... especially the night walk~
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