This foto is a special request of Celine Ting Kwuong Lin. She black mailed me to put this in... Haha... I'm joking, Celine, dun kill me...
And to show u my umm.... ..... sincerity, I will write something in my blog to honour u... (p/s: she's still alive n kicking..)
Celine is a little pretty-not-so-innocent girl... haha... She was my training buddy at the 1 month training... According to her blog, she loves chcolate n marshmellows... Her english is terrible----ly good... N she dislikes chinese.. *high 5*... She is NOT fat as she always claim herself to be... She has this cute little laugh which goes like this: haha-snort..hahaha-snort...... (p/s: another lame joke, dun kill me) She pulled off my blanket when I sleep next to her n left me to die of the cold... haha... (another thing she didn noe)...
She lives in PJ n is VERY not poor.... She owns this 3-storey house n 5 cars... When I went to her house, I was like: WOW... this is unreal.... she has this silky slippery blanket which I nearly fell off while sitting on it... N, she beats me at all the card games, escpecially chor dai dee...
OMG, she won every round... At first, we were betting on sweets.. The person who lost has to gif the winner 2 sweets... I lost about 30++ eventually.. Gosh, talk about loser... So we decided to bet off something else b4 I lost my poor last single sweet. We took loads of accesessories out like hairclips, a hideous hairband n a dozen of watches, the person who lose must clip, wear something on themselves... N eventually again, both of my hands were full of barbie watches... Haha... Luckily, she lost too n had to wear two hideous hairbands at her hand, n one on her head, and many clips on her hair... wahaha.... I dun need to say how funny both of us looked, cuz only we noe how ridiculous we looked... Haha....
Lastly, I made a poem 4 u Celine...
When u say that you are fat,
I can't help but call you mad,
Cuz you are so pretty n so slim,
It's a wonder how u can be so thin.
We are fighting a spiritual war,
Supporting each other, never fall,
N wif Rachel by our side,
We have the hyper might.
We are like 3 musketeers,
Actually more like the 3 blind mice,
Cuz we laugh until our tears,
Leave us feeling all fuzzy n nice.
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